A. Whole numbers
- Place values in whole numbers
- Writing numbers in words: convert words to digits
- Writing numbers in words: convert digits to words
- Spell word names for numbers up to one million
- Roman numerals
- Add and subtract whole numbers
- Add and subtract whole numbers: word problems
B. Multiplication
- Multiply whole numbers
- Multiply whole numbers: word problems
- Multiply whole numbers with four or more digits
- Multiply numbers ending in zeroes
- Multiply numbers ending in zeroes: word problems
- Multiply three or more numbers
- Multiply three or more numbers: word problems
- Estimate products
C. Division
- Divisibility rules
- Division patterns with zeroes
- Divide numbers ending in zeroes: word problems
- Estimate quotients
- Divide whole numbers – 2-digit divisors
- Divide whole numbers – 3-digit divisors
D. Exponents
- Write multiplication expressions using exponents
- Evaluate exponents
- Write powers of ten with exponents
- Find the missing exponent or base
- Exponents with decimal bases
- Exponents with fractional bases
E. Number theory
- Convert between standard and scientific notation
- Compare numbers written in scientific notation
- Prime or composite
- Identify factors
- Find all the factor pairs of a number
- Prime factorization
- Prime factorization with exponents
- Greatest common factor
- Greatest common factor of three or four numbers
- Least common multiple
- Least common multiple of three or four numbers
- GCF and LCM: word problems
- Sort factors of numerical expressions
- Classify rational numbers using a diagram
- Classify numbers
F. Decimals
- What decimal number is illustrated?
- Decimal place values
- Word names for decimal numbers
- Put decimal numbers in order
- Inequalities with decimals
- Round decimals
- Round whole numbers and decimals: find the missing digit
- Decimal number lines
- Repeating decimals
G. Add and subtract decimals
- Add and subtract decimal numbers
- Add and subtract decimals: word problems
- Complete the decimal addition or subtraction sentence
- Estimate sums and differences of decimals
- Maps with decimal distances
H. Multiply and divide decimals
- Estimate products of decimal numbers
- Multiply two decimals: where does the decimal point go?
- Multiply decimals
- Inequalities with decimal multiplication
- Divide decimals by whole numbers
- Divide decimals by whole numbers: word problems
- Multiply and divide decimals by powers of ten
- Estimate decimal quotients
- Division with decimal quotients
- Inequalities with decimal division
- Multiply and divide decimals: word problems
I. Fractions and mixed numbers
- Fractions on number lines
- Understanding fractions: word problems
- Equivalent fractions review
- Write fractions in lowest terms
- Least common denominator
- Compare and order fractions
- Compare fractions: word problems
- Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers
- Convert fractions to decimals
- Convert decimals to fractions
- Convert between decimals and fractions
- Convert between decimals and mixed numbers
- Put a mix of decimals and fractions in order
- Put a mix of decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers in order
- Understand fractions as division: word problems
J. Add and subtract fractions
- Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
- Add and subtract fractions with like denominators: word problems
- Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators
- Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators: word problems
- Inequalities with addition and subtraction of like and unlike fractions
- Add and subtract mixed numbers
- Add and subtract mixed numbers: word problems
- Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers
- Maps with fractional distances
K. Multiply fractions
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers I
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers II
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers: word problems
- Estimate products of fractions and whole numbers
- Multiply two fractions using models
- Multiply two fractions
- Multiply fractions: word problems
- Scaling whole numbers by fractions: justify your answer
- Scaling by fractions and mixed numbers
- Multiply three or more fractions and whole numbers
- Estimate products of mixed numbers
- Multiply mixed numbers and whole numbers
- Multiply mixed numbers
- Multiply mixed numbers: word problems
- Multiply three or more mixed numbers, fractions, and/or whole numbers
L. Divide fractions
- Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models
- Reciprocals
- Divide whole numbers and unit fractions
• New! Divide whole numbers and fractions using models - Divide fractions by whole numbers in recipes
- Divide fractions using models
- Divide fractions
- Estimate quotients when dividing mixed numbers
- Divide fractions and mixed numbers using models
- Divide fractions and mixed numbers
• New! Divide fractions and mixed numbers using models: word problems - Divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems
M. Integers
- Understanding integers
- Integers on number lines
- Graph integers on horizontal and vertical number lines
- Understanding opposite integers
- Understanding absolute value
- Absolute value
- Compare integers
- Put integers in order
- Integer inequalities with absolute values
- Absolute value and integers: word problems
N. Operations with integers
- Add integers using counters
- Add integers using number lines
- Add integers
- Subtract integers using counters
- Subtract integers using number lines
- Subtract integers
- Add and subtract integers: find the sign
- Add and subtract integers: word problems
- Add and subtract integers: input/output tables
- Add three or more integers
- Understand multiplying by a negative integer using a number line
- Multiply integers: find the sign
- Multiply integers
- Divide integers: find the sign
- Divide integers
O. Mixed operations
- Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two whole numbers
- Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two whole numbers: word problems
- Evaluate numerical expressions one step at a time
- Evaluate numerical expressions involving whole numbers
- Identify mistakes involving the order of operations
- Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two decimals
- Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two decimals: word problems
- Evaluate numerical expressions involving decimals
- Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two fractions
- Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two fractions: word problems
- Evaluate numerical expressions involving fractions
- Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two integers
- Evaluate numerical expressions involving integers
P. Rational numbers
- Rational numbers on number lines
- Rational numbers: equal or not equal
- Compare and order rational numbers using number lines
- Compare rational numbers
- Put rational numbers in order
- Compare and order rational numbers: word problems
- Opposites of rational numbers
- Absolute value of rational numbers
- Add and subtract rational numbers
- Multiply and divide rational numbers
- Rational numbers: find the sign
Q. Problem solving and estimation
- Estimate to solve word problems
- Multi-step word problems
- Multi-step word problems: identify reasonable answers
- Word problems with extra or missing information
- Guess-and-check word problems
- Distance/direction to starting point
- Use logical reasoning to find the order
R. Ratios and rates
- Write a ratio
- Write a ratio using a fraction
- Write a ratio: word problems
- Which model represents the ratio?
- Identify equivalent ratios
- Write an equivalent ratio
- Ratio tables
- Equivalent ratios: word problems
- Unit rates
- Equivalent rates
- Ratios and rates: complete a table and make a graph
- Use tape diagrams to solve ratio word problems
- Compare ratios: word problems
- Compare rates: word problems
- Ratios and rates: word problems
- Do the ratios form a proportion?
- Solve the proportion
- Identify proportional relationships from graphs
- Identify proportional relationships from tables
- Identify proportional relationships by graphing
- Interpret graphs of proportional relationships
- Scale drawings: word problems
S. Percents
- What percentage is illustrated?
- Understanding percents: strip models
- Convert fractions to percents using grid models
- Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals
- Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals: word problems
- Compare percents to each other and to fractions
- Compare percents and fractions: word problems
- Estimate percents of numbers
- Solve percent problems using grid models
- Solve percent problems using strip models
- Percents of numbers and money amounts
- Percents of numbers: word problems
- Percents of numbers: fractional and decimal percents
- Find what percent one number is of another
- Find what percent one number is of another: word problems
- Find the total given a part and a percent
- Solve percent problems
- Solve percent word problems
T. Units of measurement
- Estimate customary measurements
- Estimate metric measurements
- Convert and compare customary units
- Convert, compare, add, and subtract mixed customary units
- Multiply and divide mixed customary units
- Customary unit conversions involving fractions and mixed numbers
- Convert and compare metric units
- Convert customary and metric units using proportions
- Convert between customary and metric systems
- Compare temperatures above and below zero
- Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit
U. Money
- Find the number of each type of coin
- Add and subtract money amounts
- Add and subtract money amounts: word problems
- Multiply money by whole numbers and decimals
- Multiply money: word problems
- Divide money amounts
- Divide money amounts: word problems
V. Consumer math
- Which is the better coupon?
- Unit prices
- Unit prices with fractions and decimals
- Unit prices with customary unit conversions
- Sale prices
- Sale prices: find the original price
- Percents – calculate tax, tip, mark-up, and more
- Simple interest
W. Time
- Elapsed time
- Time units
- Find start and end times
X. Coordinate plane
- Describe the coordinate plane
- Objects on a coordinate plane
- Graph points on a coordinate plane
- Quadrants
- Reflect a point over an axis
- Coordinate planes as maps
- Distance between two points
- Follow directions on a coordinate plane
- Area and perimeter of squares and rectangles on the coordinate plane
Y. Expressions and properties
- Write variable expressions: one operation
- Write variable expressions: two operations
- Write variable expressions: word problems
- Evaluate variable expressions with whole numbers
- Evaluate multi-variable expressions
- Evaluate variable expressions with decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers
- Evaluate variable expressions: word problems
- Identify terms and coefficients
- Sort factors of variable expressions
- Identify equivalent expressions using strip models
- Properties of addition
- Properties of multiplication
- Multiply using the distributive property: area models
- Multiply using the distributive property
- Factor numerical expressions using the distributive property
- Factor variable expressions: area models
- Factor variable expressions using the distributive property
- Solve for a variable using properties of multiplication
- Write equivalent expressions using properties
- Add and subtract like terms
- Identify equivalent expressions I
- Identify equivalent expressions II
Z. One-variable equations
- Does x satisfy an equation?
- Which x satisfies an equation?
- Write an equation from words
- Identify expressions and equations
- Model and solve equations using algebra tiles
- Model and solve equations using diagrams
- Write and solve equations that represent diagrams
- Solve one-step addition and subtraction equations with whole numbers
- Solve one-step multiplication and division equations with whole numbers
- Solve one-step equations with whole numbers
- Solve one-step addition and subtraction equations with decimals and fractions
- Solve one-step multiplication and division equations with decimals and fractions
- Solve one-step addition and subtraction equations: word problems
- Solve one-step multiplication and division equations: word problems
- Write a one-step equation: word problems
- Solve one-step equations: word problems
- Which word problem matches the one-step equation?
- Solve one-step equations involving integers
- Solve equations involving like terms
- Solve two-step equations
AA. One-variable inequalities
- Solutions to inequalities
- Graph inequalities on number lines
- Write inequalities from number lines
- Write and graph inequalities: word problems
- Solve one-step inequalities
- Graph solutions to one-step inequalities
- One-step inequalities: word problems
BB. Two-variable equations
- Does (x, y) satisfy an equation?
- Identify independent and dependent variables in tables and graphs
- Write an equation from a graph using a table
- Identify independent and dependent variables: word problems
- Find a value using two-variable equations
- Find a value using two-variable equations: word problems
- Solve word problems by finding two-variable equations
- Complete a table for a two-variable relationship
- Write a two-variable equation from a table
- Write a two-variable equation
- Identify the graph of an equation
- Complete a table and graph a two-variable equation
- Graph a two-variable equation
- Interpret a graph: word problems
CC. Two-dimensional figures
- Identify and classify polygons
- Measure and classify angles
- Estimate angle measurements
- Classify triangles
- Triangle inequality
- Identify trapezoids
- Classify quadrilaterals
- Graph triangles and quadrilaterals
- Find missing angles in triangles
- Find missing angles in special triangles
- Find missing angles in quadrilaterals
- Sums of angles in polygons
- Lines, line segments, and rays
- Name angles
- Complementary and supplementary angles
- Identify complementary, supplementary, vertical, adjacent, and congruent angles
- Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles
DD. Symmetry and transformations
- Line symmetry
- Rotational symmetry
- Rotational symmetry: amount of rotation
- Reflection, rotation, and translation
- Similar and congruent figures
- Find side lengths of similar figures
EE. Three-dimensional figures
- Identify polyhedra
- Which figure is being described?
- Nets of three-dimensional figures
- Front, side, and top view
FF. Geometric measurement
- Perimeter
- Area of rectangles and squares
- Understanding area of a parallelogram
- Area of parallelograms
- Understanding area of a triangle
- Area of triangles
- Understanding area of a trapezoid
- Area of trapezoids
- Area of rhombuses
- Area of quadrilaterals
- Area of compound figures
- Area of compound figures with triangles
- Area between two rectangles
- Area between two triangles
- Rectangles: relationship between perimeter and area
- Compare area and perimeter of two figures
- Area of quadrilaterals and triangles: word problems
- Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms
- Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms with fractional side lengths
- Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms: word problems
- Surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms
- Volume of triangular prisms
- Surface area of triangular prisms
- Surface area of pyramids
- Relate volume and surface area
GG. Data and graphs
- Interpret pictographs
- Create pictographs
- Interpret line plots
- Create line plots
- Create and interpret line plots with fractions
- Create frequency charts
- Interpret categorical data
- Create relative frequency tables
- Interpret bar graphs
- Create bar graphs
- Create percent bar graphs
- Interpret double bar graphs
- Create double bar graphs
- Interpret histograms
- Create histograms
- Interpret circle graphs
- Interpret line graphs
- Create line graphs
- Interpret double line graphs
- Create double line graphs
- Interpret stem-and-leaf plots
- Create stem-and-leaf plots
- Box plots
HH. Statistics
- Identify statistical questions
- Calculate mean, median, mode, and range
- Interpret charts and graphs to find mean, median, mode, and range
- Mean, median, mode, and range: find the missing number
- Changes in mean, median, mode, and range
- Calculate mean absolute deviation
- Calculate quartiles and interquartile range
- Identify an outlier
- Identify an outlier and describe the effect of removing it
- Interpret measures of center and variability
- Describe distributions in line plots
- Identify representative, random, and biased samples
II. Probability
- Counting principle
- Probability of one event
- Make predictions
- Probability of simple events and opposite events
JJ. Financial literacy
- Compare checking accounts
- Check registers
- Debit cards and credit cards
- Credit reports
- Paying for college
- Occupations, education, and income