A. Place values and number sense
- Convert between standard and expanded form
- Place value
• New! Relationship between place values - Compare numbers up to billions
- Writing numbers in words: convert words to digits
- Writing numbers in words: convert digits to words
- Spell word names for numbers up to one million
- Roman numerals
- Rounding
- Even or odd: arithmetic rules
- Scientific notation
B. Addition and subtraction
- Add and subtract whole numbers up to billions
- Add and subtract whole numbers: word problems
- Complete addition and subtraction sentences
- Fill in the missing digits
- Choose numbers with a particular sum or difference
- Properties of addition
- Add using properties
- Estimate sums and differences of whole numbers
- Estimate sums and differences: word problems
C. Multiplication
- Multiply by 1-digit numbers
- Multiply by 1-digit numbers: word problems
- Multiplication patterns over increasing place values
- Multiply numbers ending in zeroes
- Multiply numbers ending in zeroes: word problems
- Properties of multiplication
- Multiply using properties
- Choose numbers with a particular product
- Estimate products
- Estimate products: word problems
- Box multiplication
- Lattice multiplication
- Multiply by 2-digit numbers: complete the missing steps
- Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
- Multiply 2-digit numbers by 3-digit numbers
- Multiply 2-digit numbers by larger numbers
- Multiply by 2-digit numbers: word problems
- Multiply three or more numbers up to 2 digits each
- Multiply by 3-digit numbers
- Multiply three numbers up to 3 digits each
- Multiply three or more numbers: word problems
- Inequalities with multiplication
- Multiplication input/output tables
- Multiplication input/output tables: find the rule
D. Division
- Division facts to 12
- Division facts to 12: word problems
- Divide multi-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
- Divide multi-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers: word problems
- Divide by 1-digit numbers: interpret remainders
- Division patterns over increasing place values
- Divide numbers ending in zeroes
- Divide numbers ending in zeroes: word problems
- Estimate quotients: 2-digit divisors
- Estimate quotients
- Estimate quotients: word problems
- Divide by 2-digit numbers using models
- Divide by 2-digit numbers using partial quotients
- Divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
- Divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers: word problems
- Divide 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
- Divide 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers: word problems
- Adjust quotients
- Multi-step word problems: multiplicative comparison
- Relate multiplication and division
- Complete the division sentence: 2-digit divisors
- Choose numbers with a particular quotient
E. Exponents
- Understanding powers of ten
- Evaluate powers of ten
- Write powers of ten with exponents
- Multiply a whole number by a power of ten: with exponents
- Multiply a decimal by a power of ten: with exponents
- Divide by a power of ten: with exponents
- Multiply and divide by a power of ten: with exponents
- Understanding exponents
- Evaluate exponents
- Find the missing exponent or base
F. Number theory
- Identify factors
- Prime and composite numbers
- Prime factorization
- Prime factorization with exponents
- Divisibility rules
- Divisibility rules: word problems
- Find all the factor pairs of a number
- Greatest common factor
- Greatest common factor of three numbers
- Least common multiple
- Least common multiple of three or four numbers
G. Decimals
- What decimal number is illustrated?
- Model decimals and fractions
- Place value models for decimal numbers
- Understanding decimals expressed in words
- Place values in decimal numbers
- Relationship between decimal place values
- Convert decimals between standard and expanded form
- Compose and decompose decimals in multiple ways
- Equivalent decimals
- Round decimals
- Decimal number lines
- Compare decimals using grids
- Compare decimals on number lines
- Compare decimal numbers
- Put decimal numbers in order
- Compare, order, and round decimals: word problems
- Convert fractions to decimals
- Convert mixed numbers to decimals
- Convert decimals to fractions
- Convert decimals to mixed numbers
- Convert decimals between standard and expanded form using fractions
- Compare decimals and fractions on number lines
- Compare decimals and fractions
- Number sequences involving decimals
- Repeating decimals
- Put a mix of decimals and fractions in order
- Put a mix of decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers in order
H. Add and subtract decimals
- Add decimal numbers using blocks
- Add decimal numbers
• New! Subtract decimal numbers using blocks - Subtract decimal numbers
- Add and subtract decimal numbers
- Add and subtract decimals: word problems
- Choose decimals with a particular sum or difference
- Complete the decimal addition or subtraction sentence
- Inequalities with decimal addition and subtraction
- Estimate sums and differences of decimals using rounding
- Estimate sums and differences of decimals using benchmarks
I. Multiply decimals
- Estimate products of whole numbers and decimals
- Estimate products of decimals
- Multiply a decimal by a power of ten
- Multiply by 0.1 or 0.01
- Multiply by a power of ten with decimals: find the missing number
- Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number using blocks
- Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number using the distributive property
- Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number
- Multiply a decimal by a two-digit whole number using area models
- Multiply a decimal by a multi-digit whole number
- Multiply decimals and whole numbers: word problems
- Multiply three or more numbers, one of which is a decimal
- Complete the decimal multiplication sentence using grids
- Multiply decimals using grids
- Multiply two decimals: where does the decimal point go?
- Multiply two decimals: products up to hundredths
- Multiply two decimals: products up to thousandths
- Inequalities with decimal multiplication: products up to hundredths
- Inequalities with decimal multiplication: products up to thousandths
J. Divide decimals
- Divide by powers of ten
- Decimal division patterns over increasing place values
- Divide by a power of ten with decimals: find the missing number
- Divide decimals using blocks: complete the equation
- Divide decimals using area models: complete the equation
- Division with decimal quotients
- Division with decimal quotients and rounding
- Division with decimal quotients: word problems
- Estimate decimal quotients
- Divide by 0.1 or 0.01
- Divide by decimals without adding zeroes
- Divide by decimals
K. Fractions and mixed numbers
- Fractions review
- Fractions of a whole: word problems
- Fractions of a group: word problems
- Equivalent fractions
- Write fractions in lowest terms
- Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers
- Least common denominator
- Graph and compare fractions on number lines
- Compare fractions using benchmarks
- Compare fractions and mixed numbers
- Put fractions in order
- Addition and subtraction patterns with fractions
- Multiplication patterns with fractions
- Round mixed numbers
- Reciprocals
- Relate division and fractions
- Understand fractions as division: word problems
L. Add and subtract fractions
- Decompose fractions multiple ways
- Add and subtract fractions with like denominators using number lines
- Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
- Add and subtract fractions with like denominators: word problems
- Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators
- Add fractions with unlike denominators using models
- Add up to 4 fractions with denominators of 10 and 100
- Add fractions with unlike denominators
- Subtract fractions with unlike denominators using models
- Estimate sums and differences of fractions using benchmarks
- Subtract fractions with unlike denominators
- Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators: word problems
- Add 3 or more fractions with unlike denominators
- Add 3 or more fractions: word problems
- Compare sums and differences of unit fractions
- Complete addition and subtraction sentences with fractions
- Inequalities with addition and subtraction of fractions
- Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers
- Add mixed numbers with unlike denominators
- Subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators
- Add and subtract mixed numbers: word problems
- Add and subtract fractions in recipes
- Complete addition and subtraction sentences with mixed numbers
- Inequalities with addition and subtraction of mixed numbers
M. Multiply fractions
- Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using number lines
- Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using models
- Multiples of unit fractions: find the missing numbers
- Multiply unit fractions and whole numbers: sorting
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers using arrays
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers using number lines
- Multiplying fractions by whole numbers: choose the model
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers using models: complete the equation
- Multiples of fractions: find the missing numbers
- Multiply fractions and whole numbers: sorting
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers I
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers II
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers: word problems
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers: input/output tables
- Fractions of a number I
- Fractions of a number: word problems
- Fractions of a number II
- Multiply two unit fractions using models
- Multiply two fractions using models: fill in the missing factor
- Multiply two fractions using models
- Multiply two fractions
- Multiply two fractions: word problems
- Scaling whole numbers by fractions: justify your answer
- Scaling whole numbers by fractions
- Scaling fractions by fractions
- Scaling mixed numbers by fractions
• New! Scaling by fractions and mixed numbers - Multiply three or more fractions and whole numbers
- Complete the fraction multiplication sentence I
- Complete the fraction multiplication sentence II
- Understand fraction multiplication and area
- Multiply fractions to find area
- Estimate products of mixed numbers
- Multiply a mixed number by a whole number using a model I
- Multiply a mixed number by a whole number using a model II
- Multiply with mixed numbers using area models
- Multiply a mixed number by a whole number
- Multiply a mixed number by a fraction
- Multiply two mixed numbers
• New! Multiply mixed numbers, fractions, and whole numbers - Multiply three or more mixed numbers, fractions, and whole numbers
- Multiplication with mixed numbers: word problems
- Multiply fractions and mixed numbers in recipes
N. Divide fractions
- Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using models
- Divide unit fractions by whole numbers
- Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models
- Divide whole numbers by unit fractions
- Divide unit fractions and whole numbers using area models
- Divide unit fractions and whole numbers
- Divide unit fractions and whole numbers: word problems
- Divide fractions by whole numbers
- Divide whole numbers by fractions
- Divide two fractions
- Divide fractions and mixed numbers
- Divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems
O. Mixed operations
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers: word problems
- Write numerical expressions: one operation
- Write numerical expressions: two operations
- Evaluate numerical expressions
- Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses
- Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses and brackets
- Identify mistakes involving the order of operations
- Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses in different places
- Missing operators
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals: word problems
- Equations with mixed operations: true or false
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems
P. Problem solving
- Make the largest possible quotient
- Write numerical expressions for word problems
- Multi-step word problems
- Multi-step word problems involving remainders
- Multi-step word problems: identify reasonable answers
- Word problems with extra or missing information
- Guess-and-check problems
- Find the order
- Use Venn diagrams to solve problems
Q. Percents
- What percentage is illustrated?
- Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals
- Percent of a number
R. Money
- Add and subtract money amounts
- Add and subtract money: word problems
- Add and subtract money: multi-step word problems
- Multiply money amounts
- Multiply money amounts: word problems
- Multiply money amounts: multi-step word problems
- Divide money amounts
- Divide money amounts: word problems
- Price lists
- Unit prices
- Find the number of each type of coin
S. Number sequences
- Use a rule to complete a number sequence
- Compare patterns
- Complete an increasing number sequence
- Complete a geometric number sequence
- Number sequences: word problems
- Number sequences: mixed review
T. Coordinate plane
- Describe the coordinate plane
- Objects on a coordinate plane
- Graph points on a coordinate plane
- Graph points from a table
- Use a rule to complete a table and a graph
- Analyze graphed relationships
- Coordinate planes as maps
- Follow directions on a coordinate plane
U. Variable expressions
- Write variable expressions
- Write variable expressions: word problems
- Evaluate variable expressions
- Write variable equations: word problems
- Solve equations with whole numbers
- Solve equations with decimals
- Find a value using two-variable equations
- Complete a table for a two-variable relationship
- Complete a table from a graph
- Graph patterns using rules
- Graph a two-variable relationship
- Write a two-variable equation
V. Data and graphs
- Read a table
- Interpret line graphs
- Create line graphs
- Interpret bar graphs
- Interpret bar graphs: multi-step problems
- Create bar graphs
- Interpret pictographs
- Create pictographs
- Interpret line plots
- Create line plots
- Create and interpret line plots with fractions
- Interpret frequency charts: one-step problems
- Interpret frequency charts: multi-step problems
- Create frequency charts
- Interpret stem-and-leaf plots
- Create stem-and-leaf plots
W. Probability and statistics
- Find the mode
- Find the mean
- Find the median
- Find the range
- Mean: find the missing number
- Median: find the missing number
- Range: find the missing number
- Interpret charts and graphs to find the mode
- Interpret charts and graphs to find the mean
- Interpret charts and graphs to find the median
- Interpret charts and graphs to find the range
- Understanding probability
- Find the probability
- Make predictions
- Combinations
X. Time
- Convert time units
- Add and subtract mixed time units
- Time zones
- Elapsed time
- Find start and end times: word problems
- Schedules and timelines
Y. Units of measurement
- Choose the appropriate customary unit of measure
- Compare and convert customary units of length
- Compare and convert customary units of weight
- Compare and convert customary units of volume
- Compare and convert customary units
- Conversion tables – customary units
- Compare customary units by multiplying
- Convert customary units involving fractions
- Convert mixed customary units
- Add and subtract mixed customary units
- Multi-step problems with customary unit conversions
- Choose the appropriate metric unit of measure
- Compare and convert metric units of length
- Compare and convert metric units of weight
- Compare and convert metric units of volume
- Compare and convert metric units
- Convert metric units involving decimals
- Conversion tables – metric units
- Convert metric mixed units
- Add and subtract metric mixed units
- Multi-step problems with metric unit conversions
- Multi-step problems with customary or metric unit conversions
- Understanding cubic units
- Reasonable temperature – Celsius and Fahrenheit
Z. Two-dimensional figures
- Is it a polygon?
- Number of sides in polygons
- Regular and irregular polygons
- Points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles
- Parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines
- Types of angles
- Angles of 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees
- Measure angles with a protractor
- Sort polygons into Venn diagrams
- Properties of polygons
- Parts of a circle
AA. Triangles and quadrilaterals
- Acute, obtuse, and right triangles
- Scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles
- Classify triangles
- Parallel sides in quadrilaterals
- Identify parallelograms
- Identify trapezoids
- Identify rectangles
- Identify rhombuses
- Classify quadrilaterals
- Draw quadrilaterals
- Identify the relationships between quadrilaterals
- Describe relationships among quadrilaterals
BB. Symmetry and transformations
- Line symmetry
- Rotational symmetry
- Rotational symmetry: amount of rotation
- Reflection, rotation, and translation
- Identify congruent and similar figures
CC. Three-dimensional figures
- Identify three-dimensional figures
- Count vertices, edges, and faces
- Nets of three-dimensional figures
- Three-dimensional figures viewed from different perspectives
DD. Geometric measurement
- Perimeter with whole number side lengths
- Perimeter with decimal side lengths
- Perimeter with fractional side lengths
- Perimeter of figures on grids
- Area of squares and rectangles
- Area of squares and rectangles with fractions
- Area of triangles
- Area of parallelograms and trapezoids
- Area of compound figures
- Area between two rectangles
- Area of figures on grids
- Area and perimeter: word problems
- Volume of rectangular prisms made of unit cubes
- Volume of irregular figures made of unit cubes
- Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms
- Volume of compound figures
- Relationship between volume and the area of the base: word problems
- Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms: word problems
- Compare volumes and dimensions of rectangular prisms: word problems
- Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms with decimal side lengths
- Surface area
EE. Financial literacy
- Income and payroll taxes: understanding pay stubs
- Income and payroll taxes: word problems
- Sales and property taxes: word problems
- Identify types of taxes
- Understand gross and net income
- Calculate gross and net income
- Identify advantages and disadvantages of payment methods
- Evaluate payment methods
- Reading financial records
- Keeping financial records
- Balance a budget
- Adjust a budget